Kindergarten students in Tricia Kelly’s class at Round Hill Elementary School practiced identifying their shapes as part of their math lesson last Friday.
Each table in the classroom had a different activity for the students to participate in. One group of students worked on identifying their shapes by using real life images that matched the shapes they were studying while another group used wooden sticks to build their shapes.
“This is a good activity for them because it’s playing and learning,” said Ms. Kelly. “They get to talk to each other, and they have to share and take turns while learning math at the same time.”
Mila Vanderholst was a part of the group using templates that contained models of different designs. The templates provided students with a guide on where each shape goes in the design, allowing them to practice identifying the shapes.
“I used my shapes to build this all by myself,” said Mila who used blocks to build a pine tree. “To me, it looks like a Christmas tree.”
Students in Ms. Kelly’s class will continue to practice their math skills by rotating through these different activities so that they all get a chance to participate in each one.